Zack is halfway through his degree in computer science at the University of Cincinnati. He continues to participate in their co-op program where he works full-time some semesters in lieu of taking classes. He’s completed 2 co-op semesters in Maryland and will return there at the beginning of January to do a double co-op through August. We enjoyed having him back home this past fall and will certainly miss him again while he is away!
Zack was chosen to be the “technology chair” on the co-op board at work. This is right up his alley, and he is excited to be part of it to help students who are just starting the co-op process. He has had so many exciting opportunities and experiences through this program and he is definitely looking forward to going back. Zachary thoroughly enjoys the work he’s doing and intends to move to Maryland when he graduates.
Jackie is 15 and in 10th grade. She is taking all honors courses, as well as Latin, zoology, and band. She joined marching band again which seems to take up more and more of her time. One of the final weeks in November required 45 hours devoted just to marching band, in addition to her regular school schedule and those pesky things like sleeping and studying. She broke her foot at some point during the season but continued to march on it for about 3 weeks until it finally hurt enough to get it x-rayed. The doctor put her in a boot… which she eventually figured out how to march in. Talk about dedication!
Jackie turned 15½ this year which means learning how to drive! She had a very specific car in mind – a light green Volkswagen Beetle – which we were able to find within our budget. We’ve been doing lots of practice driving and she’s doing a great job! She may seem quiet, but she has a lot to say when she’s driving… mostly about what others on the road should or should not be doing.
We are sad that this year ended with Peter’s dad passing away in December. Thankfully, Peter was able to spend 3 weeks with him before he passed. For those of you who knew Frank, you know that he was a good, caring man with a terrific sense of humor. We have so many “Cheech-isms” we love to repeat, as well as gestures we make, which will always remind us of him. He also taught us many “colorful” Italian words we use when English just doesn’t convey the right sentiment. Peter's parents were married for 56 years – see picture below.
In addition to various household projects, this year Peter has started dabbling in car repair – his final frontier of “dad projects.” Jackie’s car needed a tremendous amount of TLC and Peter taught himself how to fix many of the issues it had. He’s not quite at the point of working on engines yet, but you never know! Peter is always willing to try, and to learn new things.
After 10 years in special education I decided to make a switch and am now a 1st grade classroom teacher. Same district, but a different school. It was all sunshine and rainbows for the first few months but then the universe decided to throw me a curveball. My world turned upside down for a while, but… I’ve managed to get things settled back into a good place and I feel like an effective teacher once again! I am so thankful for my amazing students and my wonderful co-workers.
I gave up Coke for an entire year; actually, one year and 4 days! Don’t get too excited though, I’m back on the sauce. Speaking of addiction, I’ve recently become a podcast junkie. Dave Ramsey remains my favorite, of course, but I’ve branched out to other financial podcasts, as well as others related to teaching and self-help. I’m always looking for recommendations – please let me know if you have any podcasts you love!
Who doesn't love Zoey? Well I don't at 6:00am on the weekend when she wakes me up to feed her, but other than that, everyone loves her! Jackie would like to get her certified as an "emotional support cat" so she can bring Zoey with her everywhere.
This year we attended two family weddings, visited five states, spent quality time with family, and caught up with some old friends. We also celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary this summer!
Well, that's the latest with us. What's new with you? We would love to hear from you! Or better yet, let us know if you're ever out our way - we love visitors - and you could be featured in next year's newsletter!
Best wishes for a wonderful, happy & healthy 2019!
Peter, Charlotte, Zachary & Jackie
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